In support of the theatrical release of the latest instalment in the widely beloved GHOSTBUSTERS franchise, we worked with Sony Pictures on a year long campaign. The campaign was made up of a series of set visits, asset launches, screenings, influencer activations and junket time.
Set Visit: May of 2023, we invited 4 hugely popular content creators to attend a set visit at Shinfield Studios, capturing multiple pieces of content throughout the day and speaking with talent.
They participated in a variety of activities, from making slime to shooting proton packs, exploring the vast set and being fitted out in their own boilersuits. During the day, they were able to spend time with each department, sharing their coolest experiences with their large audiences.
Asset Launches: Throughout our campaign, we launched a series of assets in order to whet the appetite of the franchise’s multi-generational fan base. This included launching a Teaser Trailer, Official Trailer, Posters, Vignettes and Sizzles - securing coverage across the following outlets, just to name a few.
Screening Strategy: We held two screenings the evening before the film’s release - a MULTIMEDIA and an INFLUENCER SCREENING. At the latter, a number of the cast were able to introduce the film and give a short Q&A. This led to widespread social coverage online.
Influencer activity: Organising a variety of influencer campaigns - working with real life Ghost Investigators, as well as cooking and pet influencers - editing in a number of characters from the film in post-production.